Carol Pann, RCS Woman of Note 2024

Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Connie Selmi
Status: Current
Date Posted: Mon, Jun 3 2024

Carol Pann joined Sweet Adelines in 1985 and joined River City Sound Chorus in 2008. Carol
has always enjoyed helping the chorus she belongs to, holding most every position on the
Management Team. At the regional level, Carol was the Chair Regional Convention for Region
22 for 10 years and the RMT Secretary for Region 3. She also has served as a Convention
Assistant at International Conventions and Competitions for many years, greeting competitors
backstage with a smile or assisting with activities in the judging pit.
Carol is currently Membership Coordinator for River City Sound and loves to encourage and
teach women about how Sweet Adelines has enriched her life. Her desire to learn along with
her dedication to River City Sound is ongoing and unstoppable as evidenced by her decision to
complete the Directors Certification Program (DCP) during the pandemic, thus qualifying her to
become an Approved Director.
When Carol is not busy “trying to learn “TEXT” (one of RCS’s newer songs) she helps her
husband on their farm, spends time with her six grandchildren, goes to the gym most every day,
sings the National Anthem during the summer at the Sky Carp games in Beloit. Her interests
include sewing, watching NFL games, and most recently, Carol has begun volunteering at the
Beloit Hospital.
Carol has seen many changes in Sweet Adelines over the years, but especially in visual
communications. She loves to be able to communicate with audiences through song and has
found new freedom through choreography and physical expression while singing!
In being chosen as Women of Note for River City Sound, Carol says that it is “an honor and
privilege to be chosen” but as importantly Carol’s motto about chorus